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July 6, 2017 Construction Update Phase II PAWS Pet Adoption Center

The Entry to PAWS Pet Adoption Center

Construction continues on into this hot month of July, 2017.  Everything is going pretty much according to plan.  I’m pleased to announce that we have a zero accident/injury jobsite rate to date!  As we move ever closer to the construction wrap up we become increasingly aware of many more miles to go if we are to open in 2018.

Prior to being able to open our private, no-kill facility we must outfit some very important spaces and rooms.  This includes our Surgical Suite, Pre-Op., Cat/Kitten Rooms, Dog Kennels, Cat & Dog Intake, and of course our income producing Hydrotherapy Unit.  Sponsorships are still available for many of these rooms and extremely important to have fulfilled quickly.  Please consider a business or personal sponsorship and have a department, room, or kennel designated just for you!

Contact Donna @252.241.9408 for these details and to schedule a meeting and private tour!

As always we thank our invaluable PAWS Volunteers!  Please consider becoming a part of our rewarding team!

PAWS Pet Adoption Center Phase II Pro Humane No-Kill Facility

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