Title: Park With PAWS North Carolina Seafood Fesival 2020/PARKING LOT Probably to be Cancelled
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Description: The North Carolina Seafood Festival
July 22 ·
The Directors of the 34th Annual North Carolina Seafood Festival announce that the programming for 2020’s festival is going to be redeveloped for October. While answers are still not clear, we simply could not wait any longer to let you, our fans, know our direction and bring you to the table to enjoy this new experience with us. We know that taking the chance of bringing over 200,000 people to our community would not be wise or safe in the situation of a world pandemic.
For this well renowned, international award winning festival, keeping the focus on health and safety of all those we serve, the Board of Directors has decided not to cancel but to evolve and reimagine this year’s festival virtually so we can bring it to your homes and beyond our borders. It is our desire to craft some events that may take place on or near the waterfront to allow for some festival fun, if the time frame and the guidelines allow.
In the meantime, we encourage you to remain strong in support of the North Carolina Seafood Festival that has provided so many incredible memories for thousands of families, provided the venue for non-profits to support their endeavors, donated financially to numerous community organizations and impacted the local economy well over $38 Million in a three day weekend.
You can support us by taking part in our virtual activities, purchase our one of a kind t shirt (soon to be announced), purchase a Cooking with the Chefs NC Seafood Box, yes we can deliver this experience to your doorstep, our expanded Road Race will also be virtual along with a few other exciting ideas that will be announced as October approaches.
Mark your calendar for the first weekend in October and the entire month (National Seafood Month) and continue to follow our announcements for prizes and experiences as The 34th Annual North Carolina Seafood Festival takes place beyond its streets and beyond the borders of Carteret County! Watch us reimagine, recreate and reconstruct your 2020 North Carolina Seafood Festival!
Please feel free to share your thoughts, comments and questions to our office email at fun@ncseafoodfestival.org we would love to hear from you!
Start Date: 2020-10-02
End Date: 2020-10-04