Title: PAWS Pet House Challenge 2023
Location: Crystal Coast Civic Center 3505 Arendell St. Morehead City NC
Description: March 4th & March 5th 2023, Competition & Fund Raiser
10-3pm Saturday, 10-3pm Sunday at the Coastal Home & Garden Show!
The event showcases a lively competition between local schools for top dog honors in 3 categories: Builder’s Choice, Buyer’s Choice, and People’s Choice.
Bid to take home your favorite pet house during the silent auction portion of the event!
*Buy your Lotto Tree Tickets ($5) at our inside table to take home $100 of scratch offs!!*
Funds raised from this event will help purchase more of the equipment needed to open the PAWS Alternative No-Kill Adoption Center.
Contact: Kent Neal 252.241.4240 or email: info@pawsofcarteret.org
Start Date: 2023-03-04
Start Time: 10:00
End Date: 2023-03-05
End Time: 1500